WCCUSD Teamsters 856 Contract Proposal Questionnaire

Information obtained by this questionnaire will be used by the bargaining committee as a guide for recommended changes in the contract.

Personal Data


Job Classification

School/Work Location

Length of Employment

Date of Hire

Do you have kids that attend school in the District?

How many hours per day do you work?

Is that more, less or the same as you were hired to work?

Employment Status

Please select your employment status

Please describe the most important issue facing you in respect to your above employment status

Bargaining Priorities

On a scale from 1 to 6, according to your preference, please list the importance of the following items (1 being the most important, 6 being the least)

Please indicate a proposed increase for wages (be specific)

If you do not get your health care benefits through WCCUSD, why not?

If you do get your health care benefits through WCCUSD, tell us the primary reason you chose your health plan

Please indicate a proposed improvement to health care. (Be specific.)

Please propose the term of duration of the next contract

General Comments

Please identify any other areas of concern or improvements that you may suggest to assist your bargaining committee