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Student Satisfaction Survey


Overall, how satisfied are you with your educational experience at our school?


How would you rate the following aspects of your eductional experience:

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Quality of the teaching faculty
Course availability
Academic advising
Access to teaching faculty
Fellow students' academic ability
Academic reputation of the school
Value of the education for the price


Is there anything else you’d like to share about your level of satisfaction with your educational experience?


How would you rate the following services/facilities at the school:

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Class and laboratory facilities
Public transportation
Student residences
Food services
Sports and fitness facilities
Career counseling and placement


Is there anything else you’d like to share about your level of satisfaction with our support services and facilities?


How would you rate the following aspects of student life at the school:

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Sport and recreational facilities
Clubs and student organizations
Student diversity
Campus safety
Extracurricular activities
Student safety
Social life


Is there anything else you’d like to share about your level of satisfaction with your campus life?

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