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Covid-19 Islington Business Support and Recovery Survey


Contact Name *


Business Name *


Type of Business *


Business Address (including postcode) *


How would you prefer to be contacted? *


Phone number




Are you a London Living Wage Employer? *

A. Strengthening online visibility


Is your business online? *


In which of the following areas do you need to develop (further) online visibility?

Number the options below in descending order of importance (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Digital skills training
Access to business listing apps
Advice on sourcing useful content to share with customers
Social Media training


If not listed above, In which OTHER areas do you need to develop (further) online visibility?
(please answer in 50 characters or less)

B. Marketing & Promotion


As we emerge from the lock-down which of the following could help market and promote your business?

Order the options below in order of importance (1 is most important 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Visual merchandising
Developing an online presence
Joining a local business directory
Access to affordable local printing services


If not listed above, is there anything else you feel could help market and promote your business?
(please answer in 50 characters or less)

C. Financial advice


Which of the following would be most useful to access financial advice and support for your business?

Order the options below in order of importance (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Signposting to grants
Signposting to mutual credit institutions
Signposting to alternative sources of finance, e.g. crowdfunding platforms
Business planning


If not listed above, is there anything else you feel could help access financial advice and support for your business?
(please answer in 50 characters or less)

D. Building consumer confidence


Which of the following would help build consumer confidence for your business in light of the new challenges imposed by Covid-19?

Order the options below in order of importance. (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Advice on operating safely
Advice on installing physical barriers
Advice on promoting safety to your customers in effective ways d)
Advice on local distribution initiatives
Advice regarding online orders and payments


If not listed above, is there anything else you feel would help build consumer confidence for your business in light of the new challenges imposed by Covid-19?
(please answer in 50 characters or less)

E. New operating models


Are you interested in finding out more about businesses that have adapted their operating models in light of the health and safety risks imposed by Covid-19? *


Which of the following are you interested in finding out more about businesses that have adapted their operating models in light of the health and safety risks imposed by Covid-19?

Order the options below in order of importance. (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Case studies of businesses in your sector
Joining networks of businesses in your sector to share ideas
Participating in live question and answer sessions with industry experts i.e. via webinars
Advice on implementing green delivery systems e.g. Cargo-bikes


If not listed above, is there anything else you would want to know from businesses that have adapted their operating models in light of the health and safety risks imposed by Covid-19?
(please answer in 50 characters or less)

F. Networking


Which of the following do you consider to be the most important ingredients of a successful business network that you would consider joining?

Order the options below in order of importance. (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Expert help
Successful business owners (existing and recently retired)
Bigger companies in the area with whom you could possibly do business
Recruitment agencies
Local services for your business, e.g. web designers, photographers, etc
Local customers
Training for your staff in e.g. health and safety, digital skills, environmental health, equalities, HR, finance, business planning, etc

G. Employment support


Which of the following would be most important in reducing search costs for new employees?


Livelihoods are under threat as a consequence of possible business closures due to Covid-19. How could you help your local community and employees as we face the challenge of a likely economic recession?

Order the options below in order of importance. (1 is most important, 5 the least). Leave blank any that are not of interest to you.

1 2 3 4 5
Employment opportunitie
Paying the London Living Wage
Recognising a trade union, or employee representative body in your workplace
Donating food and other items
Sharing skills
Offering apprenticeships
Offering Business to Business mentoring
Offering work experience
Offering discounts to members of the local community

H. Any further suggestions?


Any further suggestions?


I provide consent for Islington Council to share this information with local councillors, London Councils and the Government *


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