CISO Edge Mexico CDMX Delegate Application 24th April 2024


Delegate Information *


Top 3 Enterprise IT Security, technology & business goals you are working towards over the next 6-18 months, (Please be as specific/detailed as possible so we can ensure your personalised itinerary is aligned to your priorities) *


Which areas will you and your company be investing in over the next 6-12 months? Please choose your top 3 *


Your complimentary event pass is paid for by our valued event sponsors, please select 2 for a short introduction at the event *


Would you or your Company be interested in being event speakers in a solo talk or on a panel debate at this or our November 2024 event, if so, provide details.


Break Out Talks & Roundtables

You have the option to attend some roundtables & breakout sessions at the event, please indicate which roundtables you would like to apply for, and you will be notified if your roundtable participation is accepted *


Event Arrival

The event starts at 10:30 am, from what time will you be arriving at the Barcelo Reforma Hotel on the 24th of April 2024 to join the event? *


Please confirm that you have read our privacy policy here *


Thank You For Your Delegate Application, If You Are Permitted To Attend You Will Be Informed By Email & Text Within 48 Hours

Contact Us Here If You Have Any Questions


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