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Thank you for your interest in Orlando Health’s Disaster Response Project. To learn more about the healthcare system’s response to the shootings at Pulse nightclub on June 12, 2016, please complete and submit this form.


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By entering this website, you are automatically saying to Orlando Health that you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. That the identification information you have provided in order to gain access to this website is true and accurate;
2. That you understand that this website contains a peer-to-peer academic account about how the many departments and activities at Orlando Health reacted and responded to the Pulse shootings;
3. That you understand that this website has been developed by Orlando Health in order to share on a professional basis many of the experiences and lessons learned from being a Level One Trauma Center impacted by a mass shooting;
4. That your purpose for visiting this website is for professional development, and not mere curiosity or any form of commercial gain;
5. That the content of this website is not intended to function as a disaster response plan for any medical facility, although it does contain many elements of what Orlando Health’s experience shows can guide the development of a good plan;
6. That the experiences shared and results obtained at Orlando Health cannot ensure that anyone else might obtain similar results from any particular lesson or experience described herein;
7. That the content and images on this website are the copyrighted property of Orlando Health and may not be copied or reproduced without its express written permission;
8. That you agree not to download or copy the content on this website to any form of media, except that you may make single copies of isolated portions for the limited purpose of enhancing your own personal education and experience;
9. That if you do wish to obtain more information about the Orlando Health experience, that you may use the “Contact Us” page to make an inquiry or request.
10. That access to this website is currently being provided for free, but that is not a guarantee that future access will also be available without charge.

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