Cultural Partners Feedback Survey: 11 by 11


What is the name of your cultural organisation? (If you would like your feedback to be anonymous, please enter 'anon') *


What is your email address? (if you would like your feedback to be anonymous, please enter 'anon')


1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being excellent, 1 being poor), how would you rate the efficiency of the 11 by 11 window processes? *


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being excellent, 1 being poor), how would you rate the communication about 11 by 11 developments from Cultural Enrichment Team? *


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being excellent, 1 being poor), how would you rate the communication with schools that you have been partnered with? *


On a scale of 1-5, (5 being very easy and 1 being very difficult), how easy has it been for your organisation to provide free cultural experiences for 11 by 11? *


Is there anything that would help you to continue to offer free experiences to Islington schools? *


Please tick all that apply. 11 by 11 has allowed my organisation to: *


Please describe any challenges that your organisation has encountered through 11 by 11 so far:


It is helpful for us to know if schools are not taking up the 11 by 11 opportunities that they are offered. Are there any schools that you were partnered to work with in summer 2019 that did not take up your opportunity? Please list them, along with any detail you have about why they did not take up the offer:


If you already have dates agreed with school ahead of the autumn term, please list them here. This helps us to know when experiences are taking place and to track the reach and impact of 11 by 11. We'd occasionally also like to notify ward councillors and the local press about your activities taking place. However, we will not do this without your consent and will follow up with you by phone or email before we do do.


Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your experience with 11 by 11?

Thank you for your continued support with the 11 by 11 initiative!


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