New Fonts
We are happy to announce the inclusion of 36 new fonts that expand the possibilities during the survey design process. We have taken into account the fact that many of our users use non-Latin languages, so we have chosen a range of fonts that include popular alphabets such as Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Thai. The fonts are available via the Theme Editor.
The complete list of available fonts is as follows:
- Sans: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Courier, Open Sans, Droid Sans, Source Sans Pro, PT Sans, Roboto, Noto Sans, Lato, Inter
- Serif: Georgia, Times New Roman, Droid Serif, PT Serif, Arvo, Merriweather, Lora, Noto Serif, Libre Baskerville, Source Serif Pro, EB Garamond, IBM Plex Serif
- Arabic: Cairo, Tajawal, Amiri, Almarai
- Chinese: Noto Sans SC, Noto Serif SC, Ma Shan Zheng
- Hebrew: Rubik, Heebo, Assistant, Alef
- Hindi: Poppins, Mukta, Hindi Siliguri
- Japanese: Noto Sans JP, Noto Serif JP, M+ Rounded 1c
- Korean: Noto Sans KR, Nanum Gothic, Nanum Myeongjo
- Thai: Kanit, Prompt, Sarabun
Happy asking!